Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Financial Markets - Understanding Stock Option Information Essay

Financial Markets - Understanding Stock Option Information - Essay Example â€Å"Technical analysis is the study of specific securities and the overall market based on supply/demand relationships.† (Page 1, International encyclopedia of Technical Analysis, Joel G Siegle, Jae K Shim, Anique Quereshi, Jeffrey Brauchler.) Charts and Graphs are the technician’s tools. They interpolate data and decide using graph trends, volume count, and 50 and 200 day moving average charts. To understand patterns one must observe carefully the breadth and movement of the market. Understand how accumulation or distribution (Accumulation, the buying of stock, distribution is the sale of stock.), forecast the future expectation of stocks or options. (Ascending and Descending tops P. 15 International Encyclopedia of Technical Analysis Page 15 and 16,), these illustrations show ascending and descending price top transitions, from time period- to- time period, that trail stock directions. Volatility charts show extremes —specifically, option volatility charts sh ow relationships between puts, calls, strike prices, and expiration dates. Assumption associations are derived from historical patterns, price patterns, and supply and demand relationship. Historical relationships signal the likeness of direction, whereas, price patterns point to quantity of decrease and increase. â€Å"Market factors (Interest rate changes, economic conditions, political factors, announced pending acquisitions.), are already incorporated into current market price per share. If demand exceeds supply, the stock price will increase, and vice versa.†

Monday, October 28, 2019

History of Societal Acceptance for Homosexuality

History of Societal Acceptance for Homosexuality There are obvious outgrowing numbers of gays and lesbians communities in our country and all over the world. People become increasingly engaged into homosexual affiliations. Many variables influence the emergence of sexuality in all young people. These variables are changes in biological processes, relationships and community interactions. The level of acceptance between gays and lesbians has changed over the years. The researchers would like to determine the level of acceptance of the society between gays and lesbians. This study was conducted with the purpose of analyzing the factors that lead to the acceptance of society between gays and lesbians. This study identified the variables and factors influencing and may affect the societys level of acceptance between gays and lesbians. Statement of the Problem The study aimed to determine the factors that lead to the acceptance of the society between gays and lesbians. Specifically, it sought to determine the following: What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: age sex civil status religion educational attainment What are the attitudes and behaviours of gays and lesbians which contributes to the level of acceptance of the society? What are the factors that influence the emergence of being homosexual individual? What are the challenges faced by lesbians and gays on the acceptance of the society? How the respondents are reacting to communities of gays and lesbians? Significance of the Study The study has significance to gays and lesbians, as they will be aware of the level of acceptance of the society to them and the factors that contribute to the willingness of the society towards them. To the parents, that they will be aware of the condition of their children, as the findings were presented to them, they will be encouraged to improve their views and beliefs regarding homosexuality. To the society, that they will be aware of the happenings to the homosexual based on their opinions, beliefs, and views, as they give it in relation to their acceptance and may find ways to improve the level of acceptance between gays and lesbians. Scope, Delimitations Limitations of the Study The respondents of this study include 25 lesbians, 25 gays, 25 parents of either lesbian or gay, and 25 individuals who have gay/ lesbian friends. They will be asked regarding attitudes and behaviours of homosexuals which contribute to their level of acceptance in the society. They will be given chances to give their opinions, views and beliefs regarding homosexuality. Definition of Terms The terms included in the research paper will be defined to facilitate understanding of the study. Lesbian. Homosexual woman; the condition in which a woman is sexually attracted to, or engages in sexual behaviour with another woman. Gay. Homosexual man; the condition in which man is sexually attracted to, or engages in sexual behaviour with another man. Homosexuality. The condition of being sexually attracted, covertly, or overtly, by members of ones own sex. Society. Organized and interdependent community. Morality. Degree of conformity to moral principles. Acceptance. Willingness to accept. CHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies This chapter includes discussion on related literature and studies both foreign and local, which provides relevant facts about the societys level of acceptance between gays and lesbians. It also aims to determine the level of acceptance from past to present. Foreign Studies On the study conducted by the researchers at the Kaiser Family Foundation entitled Inside- out : A report on the Experiences of Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals in America and the Publics Views on Issues and Advices Related to Sexual Orientation. The are two national public opinion surveys: one, to gather information on the experiences of seslf-identified lesbians, gays and bisexuals: and the second to gauge the general publics attitudes towards this group and their views on key policy issues related to sexual orientation. They did it to determine where the public really stands. Researchers found out that large majority of self-identified lesbians, gays, and bisexuals believe that there is more acceptance today compared to a few years ago. One third from their respondents say that their family or a family member has refused to accept them. According to the research, lesbians are more likely to report not having been accepted by their families. It was found out that majority of the general public reports knowing someone who is gay, lesbian or bisexual believes that there is more acceptance of lesbians and gays today compared to a few years ago. Most say that greater acceptance is either good for the country or does not matter one way or the other. The majority also believes that homosexual behavior is a normal part of some peoples sexuality. Individuals age 65 and older those with a high school education or less and those who do not have lesbian and gay co-workers, friends or family members are least likely to have accepting attitudes towards lesbians, gays, and bisexuals. Religious affiliation also has significant effect on attitudes and level of acceptance. Overall, the public is increasing accepting gays and lesbians in the society. On the study conducted by Elizabeth Mehren entitled Homosexuals finding more Acceptance. Poll says states that gays and lesbians have experienced a dramatic rise in acceptance over the last two decades, according to a new Los Angeles Times Poll-2004. In ltwo Los Angeles Times polls in the mid- 1980s and other data from the same era, the level of sympathy toward gays and lesbians was half what it is today. Researchers found out that gay people in general are feeling more comfortable in society and society is feeling more comfortable with gay people. The study revealed that 62 percent say their community accepts gays and lesbians. Based on the survey conducted by the members of the Public Agenda Organization entitled Ambivalence and Mixed Messages, acceptance of gays and lesbians has risen significantly, and currently about half of Americans say homosexuality should be an acceptable lifestyle. Survey questions about whether American society should accept homosexuality often draw different responses depending on the examples mentioned which is an indication of public ambivalence. Questions that raise the issue of fair treatment typically draw much higher levels of public support. For instance, substantial majorities of Americans say they support equal protection for homosexuals against hate crimes and equal rights in terms of housing and jobs. surveys show that slight majorities say a gay person could be a good role model and as good a parent as anyone, yet they are divided on whether they would allow a homosexual to baby-sit their child and half say they oppose allowing gay couples to adopt. The survey conducted by the faculty staff of The University of Arizona entitled Equitys 1992 Campus Climate Report was aimed to investigate the climate for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals on campus. Majority of their sample comprised of heterosexuals. They allow their respondents to rate in the scale of 1-10 on every question. As a result, majority placed 8 to 10 range on the level of acceptance with the women expressing high level of acceptance than men. Respondents employment status had no significant impact on the acceptance scale, with no major differences surfacing among faculty, staff, and graduate students. They also asked if their religion influences their views on homosexuality; seventeen percent of the respondents marked yes. But not only religion appeared to influence people toward negative views. A series of items asked respondents to characterize the level of respect shown for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals by others in their department, specifically their immediate superv isor, co-workers, department head, and students. All in all, the responses to questions about respect levels in departments reveal that the immediate environment for gay, lesbian, and bisexual members of the University is not a particularly good one, but that department heads and supervisors show generally higher levels of respect than co-workers and students. Justin J. Jagosh, in his thesis entitled Moving toward understanding and acceptance: Parents experiences after finding out their children are gay, lesbian, and bisexual aimed to explore how the parents will accept their childs sexuality. Through qualitative inquiry, 12 Canadian parents (7 mothers and 5 fathers) were interviewed to develop an in-depth analysis of their thoughts, feelings, and actions in relation to having gay, lesbian, and bisexual children. He found out that parents went through a process of understanding and acceptance, in which they made sense of past experiences they had with their children, reacted emotionally to finding out, changed their perspectives on issues, and shared their experiences with others. There are still hindering factors but with the strategies suggested in which researchers, educators, health professionals, media personnel, parent support groups, and parents themselves can use like some mentioned above, it will not be difficult for parents to un derstand and accept their gay, lesbian, and bisexual children. Foreign studies On the book overview of Lesbian, Gay and bisexual identities and youth by Anthony R. OAngelli, Charlotte Patterson explore the psychological dimentions of lesbian, gay and bisexual identities from puberty to adulthood. There are changes in biological processes, relationship and community interactions influence the emergence of sexuality in all young people. The article, Chasing the Rainbow; Is a Gay Population an Engine of Urban Revival? Cities are beginning to think so by Richard Florida sees that openness to the gay community is a good indication of the low entry barriers to human capital that are so important to spurring creativity and generating high-tech growth. The homosexuality represents the last last frontier of diversity in our society, and thus a place that welcomes the gay community welcomes all kinds of people. Also an article in New Zealand by the LGBT organization on that country which is entitled A Civil Union Ceremony in Wellington last December 20006 states that New Zealand society is generally fairly relaxed in acceptance of gays and lesbians. The gay-friendly is epitomized by the fact that there are several Member if Parliament who belong to the LGBT community, gay rights are protected by the New Zealand Human Rights Act. And New Zealand is relatively small population. The LGBT community is small, but still visible, with Pride festivals and LGBT events held around the country throughout the year. Local Literature J. Neil C. Garcia in his book Philippine Gay Culture: The Last Thirty Years, Binabae to Bakla, Silahis to MSM tackles the perception of Filipinos to gays and lesbians from the last thirty years. The anxiety of Western civilization toward its many different genders- not just masculine and feminine-finds its fecund expression in the varieties of camp (butch/femme) and transvestisms (macho, queer, transvestophilic, transgenderist, etc.) which, over the last century, have come to be institutionalized as legitimate self-expressions within the gay and lesbian cultures of the United States, Europe and Australia, This anxiety is deeply rooted in the Judeo-Christian metaphysical tradition which, until recently, was a rather inexorable force in the Western subjects life. On the other hand, this study has argued that the Philippines has its own dualist tradition in respect of sexual identity, and although it would seem that the effeminate bakla and the mannish tomboy attest to the fluidity of g ender concepts and roles in our culture, at the level of desire they merely reinforce the babae and the lalake, whose pale reflections they are. Rafael cannot be farther from the truth when he ascribes to kabaklaan the parodic and self-reflexive character which it doesnt (yet) possess. As things stand, the dominant conception of the bakla identity strictly confines the bakla to an agonistic effeminacy (a poor copy of femininity). In fact, the masculine bakla is simply unthinkable. He therefore must be a closet case, or a double-dealing fraud (silahis). Suffice it to say, then, that at the core of the social construction of the bakla is coreness itself. As a recent ethnography reiterates, the bakla is a man with a womans heart who, like a real woman, deeply desires a real man to be happy. The silence of local psychological institutions in the early sixties about homosexuality and homosexual counseling seems strange, given that globally, the problems of adolescent homosexuals never fail to make it in the agenda of any conference on juvenile mental health (for only obvious reasons). By the rest of the 1960s, as well as the early seventies, however, this situation had palpably changed, and homosexuality was made to belong under the aegis of psychological science, as may be proven by the existence of positivist works on it which were written around this time. (A partial listing of the sundry academic studies on homosexuality in the Philippines is included in the last section of this book). The consequence of this is the renewed and intensified medical psychopathologization of the bakla as inversions homosexual: a man whose psychological being does not coincide with his anatomic sex. Only this time, his sexuality has become the central defining feature of his by now psycho sexually inverted identity. He concluded that the bakla is the only kind of (male) homosexual Philippine culture has, relatively speaking, known; and therefore also the only (male) homosexual Philippine culture has discriminated against and/or dismissed as sick, deviant and sinful-as bakla, precisely. Any local text proclaiming itself gay or homosexual cannot help but relate itself to and to situate itself within kabaklaan, hence. CHAPTER 3 Methods and Procedure Research Methodology The researcher used descriptive method in the study. Descriptive method of research is a fact finding study with sufficient and accurate interpretation of the findings. It describes what is. It describes with emphasis what actually exist such as current condition, situation practices, or any phenomena. Since the study is concerned in the Analysis on the acceptance of the society between gays/lesbians. Subjects of the Study The researchers chose 100 respondents divided into four categories. These composed of 25 gays, 25 lesbians,25 parents of gays or lesbians and 25 individuals who have gays or lesbians friends. The Sampling Technique The researchers used simple random sampling and the size of the population is 200 and the study of population is people who have known a friend or any related of gay and lesbians also the respondents and the parents. Sample: 25 respondents 25 gays 25 lesbians 25 parents Those 25 to sum up of 100 is from the population of 200 and was chosen by simple random sampling. Procedure of Data Gathering The researchers used in the method of collecting data is normative survey, researchers used this for its very effective and looking for the commonalities of the said subject. This would be the best and most appropriate method to use in data gathering. Statistical Treatment of Data The role of the statistical treatment of data in research. The researchers is considering much in the age and gender also their state of consciousness and the rationality and also the emotion are being needed through the research.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Exploration of To the Lighthouse :: essays papers

Exploration of To the Lighthouse In Virginia Woolf's fiction, the breakdown or breaking open, of traditional literary forms in the light of the twentieth century querying of perception, reality and linguistic meaning, is recorded as a reconceiving of the novel-form. Throughout the course of her novels she lays down a challenge to official ways of measuring proportion, light, time and human character. Abolishing chapter and verse, Woolf creates a rhythmic, wave-like form of undulating passages as in music, where the structure of parts within an individual movement is a continuous flow rather than a series of stops and starts. She identifies language itself as a volatile and indeterminate system of mirroring suggestions; reality as potentially unknowable, and the novel form itself as inclined to substantial change to accommodate these perspectives. Virginia Woolf renounces the narrative persona as a sort of privileged extra character testifying to indisputable mental and physical events and evaluating their significance. She shifts significance to the act of mediation itself as a primary subject to be investigated "*. To the Lighthouse "*develops a system of passing the baton of interior monologue from one character to another by its eavesdropping of the self-sealed consciousness of a group enwrapped in meditation through the round of two life-encapsculating days. In "*To the Lighthouse"* the proportion of direct speech to indirect speech is minuscule, and, indeed rudimentary. If we reduce the first section of the novel to its dialogue, the following structure emerges:'Yes, of course, if it's fine to-morrow,' said Mrs Ramsay. 'But you'll have to be up with the lark'...'But,' said his father . . . 'it won't be fine.'*'But it may be fine - I expect it will be fine,' said Mrs Ramsay . . . 'It's due west,' said the atheist Tansley . . .'Nonsense,' said Mrs Ramsay . . . *'There'll be no landing at the Lighthouse to-morrow,' said Charles Tansley . . . 'Would it bore you to come with me, Mrs Tansley?' 'Let us all go!' she cried . . . 'Let's go,' he said. 'Good-bye, Elsie,' she said. (pp.3-16) Inconsequent voices demur about the weather: typical English conversation implying an apathetic form of communion, signifying little - so we might assess this dialogue if it were presented to us as I have transcribed it, dissecting it from its root-network in the complex matrix of the narrative voice which recounts the soliloquies of the persons from whom these extracts of conversation are gathered.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Globalization in the hospitality industry Essay

1: Educating workers around the world: Due to globalization, managers and employees of hospitality industry are able to learn about the different cultures, people, religions and other different prospects of life. Globalization also helps them to understand what importance of humanity is. Racism is still a part of some people but due to globalization it is getting hidden. 2: Multilingual services: Due to globalization more and more people from different parts of the world are traveling around the world. Hotels got benefit by these modernization but to maintain this traveling many hotels hire people who know different languages so that their customers feel comfortable and safe. 3: More knowledge about different cultures: So,e years back, people are not use to travel internationally and due to this many people were not aware of different cultures and traditions around the world but now people do travel and this increases the knowledge of people to understand about various cultures For example: When In India, I see tourist coming from Africa and they wear their traditional clothes and speak different language. This way I understand their culture and their heritage. 4: Increasing knowledge about different variety of foods: Due to this vast trend of globalization, more and more restaurants and hotels have different variety of food because you never know which people are coming from which part of the world. Everybody love food and when they see their own food somewhere they feel so relaxed. For example: Chinese tourist travels all around the world and so all big cities have â€Å"China Town†. These things attract Chinese people go and visit these places which are far from China but yet very similar Chinese tradition. 5: Increase in trade agreements: Globalization increase trade agreements between two countries as It is good for the economy of both countries as well as for the benefit of people who wants to understand other country’s culture and heritage, For example: Canada and China have very strong trade relations as China is the second largest trading partner. These relations are maintained because of this increasing multiculturalism. 6: Increase in equality among people and language and cultural barriers reduced: When people travel and work in different parts of world, this reduce language and cultural barriers and increase equality among people as they all feel comfortable with working with different people. This is one the major advantage of globalization because non equality and racism are biggest enemy of humanity. Now people have to be more knowledgeable to take any actions against any culture or race

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Study Guide on Communication

1. What is communication? How does communicating relate to parenting? Communication is sharing of meaning between two or more people, it relates to parenting because it helps guide and understand their child better. 2. How can financial issues affect parenting? Financial issues may cause families to spend less time together; children may spend more time be unsupervised and less quality time with their parents. 3. How does negative communication differ from positive communication? Positive parenting differ from negative parenting because positive parenting have to deal with guiding and teaching children and negative have to deal with yelling scream and punishment. 4. How can divorce affect children? Divorce affects children differently depending on the age group under five experience increased temper tantrums, difficulty sleeping, separation anxiety. School children may feel sadness, guilt, anger and develop phobias. Teens experience insecurity, sadness, and engage in drug use, criminal activities, unsafe sex, etc. . What are three tips that parents can use to improve communication with their children? Three communication tips are; 1) Make the child the focus of your attention. 2) Get down to the child's level physically (eye contact). 3) Delay or Pause conversation if you need to. Critical Thinking Questions 1. Why is it important that parents talk to their children about social issues such as divorce, finances, and unemployment? How can parents talk about di fficult topics? It is important because children can understand the problems that their family is having. They can sit down and talk to their child in a calm tone without giving negative contact. 2. When teenagers become parents, what are some of the challenges they face? Teens faces challenges such as depression, stress, fitting in with their peers and anxiety. 3. What are at least three techniques that parents can use when they are communicating with a child about a mistake or misbehavior? Three techniques parent can use are 1) Wait before criticizing out of anger. ) Start a constructive criticism conversation on a positive note. 3) Don’t jump to conclusion first get full story. Discussion Question 1. Who is someone that you feel you have a positive relationship with? What role do you think openness and truthfulness have in making this relationship positive? Someone who I have a positive relationship with is my aunt. I think openness and truthfulness play a big role because if it wasn’t for those I wouldn’t be able to have a positive good relationship with her. 2. What effects do you think the various types of media (TV, Internet, newspapers, Facebook, etc†¦) have on your own life and your family? Do you think the overall effect is negative or positive? How can parents reduce the negative effects? I think media have a negative effect on my life because I spend more time with the media than I do with my family and that’s not good. We are starting to be a little distant and not spend quality time with each other. I think my parents can spend less time with media stuff and more time with us.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Beside and Besides

Beside and Besides Beside and Besides Beside and Besides By Maeve Maddox Anwar wants to know the difference between beside and besides. Old English had the phrase be sidan, by the side of. OE side meant the flanks of a person, or the long part of anything. By 1200 the phrase was written as one word and used as both adverb and preposition. One meaning for beside in Middle English was outside. This is the sense in the expression to be beside oneself: He was beside himself with worry. He wasnt next to himself, he was outside himself. In modern usage beside is used chiefly as a preposition, while besides can be either a preposition or an adverb. The preposition beside means next to: Joans house stood beside the church. I like to sit beside my friend. As a preposition, besides means in addition to: Besides the administrators, the teachers were allowed to state their views. Besides the prize money, Charlie won a trip to the Bahamas. Besides often introduces a noun clause: Besides what you said, we must consider what she said. As an adverb, besides means in addition, as well as: There is enough for us and all our friends besides. Besides can introduce a further consideration: I dont think Ill attend the conference because it comes at an inconvenient time of year for me. Besides, I cant really afford it. Sometimes besides is a synonym for except or excluding: Besides him, everyone liked the idea. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Classes and Types of Phrases25 Russian Words Used in English (and 25 More That Should Be)Wood vs. Wooden

Monday, October 21, 2019

China in the Age of Exploration essays

China in the Age of Exploration essays The age of exploration. A time when exploring was arguably the most important thing to do in life. The countries were not yet all discovered and animals and spices were native only to small areas. So exploration expanded the world. There have been many famous explorations, such as Christopher Columbuss trip to the new world (America). But many smaller trips were also made. The country of China, although not known for exploration was actually affected by it greatly. One might think that it is impossible for exploration to have an affect on China. But Without European exploration, who knows what would have happened to China. It would not be what it is today. It would be entirely different. Explorers from Europe, desert and sea routes, and the maritime expeditions, are the three main ways how European exploration affected China. European exploration was a great occurrence it not only expanded our world but also expanded the ideas of one of its greatest countries. European exploration went everywhere. They explored the earth everywhere that they could. So it was of no surprise that China was a choice on the list. An explorer by the name of Marco Polo sailed to China in the 13th century. He was supposed to convert the then China ruling Mongols to Christianity. ( About .com). Instead all he did was obtain spices and leave. But in his brief stay he helped the Chinese. He showed them some ships and boats that he had sailed on. The Chinese having a good idea of what these ships looked like tried to mimic some things that they did not have. Now the Chinese have better ships and will be able to sail better, easier, and at greater distances. So Unknowingly, a great explorer along with few others, greatly helped the advance of the Chinese sailing and aquatic ways. Despite this, even before explorers came to China they already had an idea of exploration. China w...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Official ACT to SAT (New 1600 and Old 2400) Conversion Charts

Official ACT to SAT (New 1600 and Old 2400) Conversion Charts SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips One of the first thoughts you might have after getting back your ACT or SAT score is how well you would have done on the other test. Luckily, SAT to ACT conversion (and ACT to SAT conversion) is possible! In this post, we provide conversion charts from the test makers themselves to help you with score conversions between both the current and old versions of the SAT and the ACT. We also look at whether certain colleges go easier on the SAT or ACT- and what you can do about it. ACT to SAT Conversion Tool We took the College Board's official concordance tables and made a tool for you to automatically convert your ACT scores into SAT scores. We've even included both current 1600 and old 2400 SAT conversions. Look at the latter if you took the ACT before 2016 and are curious about how your ACT score would have translated into an SAT score when originally you took the ACT. Just enter your ACT score on the left to get your SAT scores on the right: Enter your ACT score here: ACT Composite (out of 36) Get SAT scores here: SAT Composite (out of 1600) Old SAT Composite (out of 2400) // 36) { $(this).val(36); } var act = parseInt($("#in_act").val()); var old_sat; var new_sat; if (!isNaN(act)) { switch (act){ case 36: new_sat = 1600; old_sat = 2390; break; case 35: new_sat = "1560 to 1590"; old_sat = "2300 to 2370"; break; case 34: new_sat = "1520 to 1550"; old_sat = "2210 to 2280"; break; case 33: new_sat = "1490 to 1510"; old_sat = "2150 to 2190"; break; case 32: new_sat = "1450 to 1480"; old_sat = "2080 to 2130"; break; case 31: new_sat = "1420 to 1440"; old_sat = "2020 to 2060"; break; case 30: new_sat = "1400 to 1410"; old_sat = "1970 to 2000"; break; case 29: new_sat = "1350 to 1380"; old_sat = "1900 to 1950"; break; case 28: new_sat = "1310 to 1340"; old_sat = "1840 to 1880"; break; case 27: new_sat = "1280 to 1300"; old_sat = "1790 to 1820"; break; case 26: new_sat = "1240 to 1270"; old_sat = "1730 to 1780"; break; case 25: new_sat = "1200 to 1230"; old_sat = "1670 to 1710"; break; case 24: new_sat = "1160 to 1190"; old_sat = "1610 to 1650"; break; case 23: new_sat = "1130 to 1150"; old_sat = "1560 to 1590"; break; case 22: new_sat = "1100 to 1120"; old_sat = "1510 to 1540"; break; case 21: new_sat = "1060 to 1090"; old_sat = "1450 to 1490"; break; case 20: new_sat = "1020 to 1050"; old_sat = "1390 to 1430"; break; case 19: new_sat = "980 to 1010"; old_sat = "1330 to 1370"; break; case 18: new_sat = "940 to 970"; old_sat = "1270 to 1310"; break; case 17: new_sat = "900 to 930"; old_sat = "1210 to 1250"; break; case 16: new_sat = "860 to 890"; old_sat = "1150 to 1200"; break; case 15: new_sat = "810 to 850"; old_sat = "1070 to 1140"; break; case 14: new_sat = "760 to 800"; old_sat = "990 to 1060"; break; case 13: new_sat = "720 to 750"; old_sat = "930 to 980"; break; case 12: new_sat = "630 to 710"; old_sat = "820 to 910"; break; case 11: new_sat = "560 to 620"; old_sat = "750 to 810"; break; default: new_sat = "Too low for data"; old_sat = "Too low for data" } $("#out_new_sat").val(new_sat); $("#out_old_sat").val(old_sat); } else { $("#out_old_total").val(''); $("#out_new_total").val(''); } }); }); // ]]> You'll probably want to see how your ACT and SAT subscores compare, too. For that, simply read our guide to converting subscores. Also, if you're converting to see which test you should take, we recommend checking out our guide to see whether you're a good candidate for taking both the ACT and SAT. SAT to ACT Conversion Tool Want to go in the other direction? Here are two tools to go from current 1600 SAT to ACT, or from old 2400 SAT to ACT. Note that the vast majority of high school students these days will have taken the 1600 SAT, but if you took the SAT before 2016 and are curious about how your scores would have converted to an ACT score (perhaps you're applying for an educational job or are casually comparing scores with friends), our conversion tool can lend you a hand. SAT to ACT Conversion Enter your SAT score here: SAT (out of 1600) Get your ACT score here: ACT Composite (out of 36) // 1600) { $(this).val(1600); } var new_sat = parseInt($("#in_newsat").val()); var act; if (!isNaN(new_sat)) { if (new_sat > 1590) {act = 36;} else if (new_sat > 1550 } else if (new_sat > 1520 } else if (new_sat > 1490 } else if (new_sat > 1450 } else if (new_sat > 1420 } else if (new_sat > 1390 } else if (new_sat > 1350 } else if (new_sat > 1310 } else if (new_sat > 1280 } else if (new_sat > 1240 } else if (new_sat > 1200 } else if (new_sat > 1160 } else if (new_sat > 1130 } else if (new_sat > 1100 } else if (new_sat > 1060 } else if (new_sat > 1020 } else if (new_sat > 980 } else if (new_sat > 940 } else if (new_sat > 900 } else if (new_sat > 860 } else if (new_sat > 810 } else if (new_sat > 760 } else if (new_sat > 720 } else if (new_sat > 630 } else if (new_sat > 560 } else { act = "Too low"; } $("#out_act").val(act); } else { $("#out_act").val(''); } }); }); // ]]> Old 2400 SAT to ACT Conversion Enter your Old SAT score here: Old SAT Composite (out of 2400) Get your ACT score here: ACT Composite (out of 36) // 2400) { $(this).val(2400); } var old_sat = parseInt($("#in_oldsat").val()); var act; if (!isNaN(old_sat)) { if (old_sat >= 2390) {act = 36;} else if (old_sat >= 2300 } else if (old_sat >= 2210 } else if (old_sat >= 2150 } else if (old_sat >= 2080 } else if (old_sat >= 2020 } else if (old_sat >= 1970 } else if (old_sat >= 1900 } else if (old_sat >= 1840 } else if (old_sat >= 1790 } else if (old_sat >= 1730 } else if (old_sat >= 1670 } else if (old_sat >= 1610 } else if (old_sat >= 1560 } else if (old_sat >= 1510 } else if (old_sat >= 1450 } else if (old_sat >= 1390 } else if (old_sat >= 1330 } else if (old_sat >= 1270 } else if (old_sat >= 1210 } else if (old_sat >= 1150 } else if (old_sat >= 1070 } else if (old_sat >= 990 } else if (old_sat >= 930 } else if (old_sat >= 820 } else if (old_sat >= 750 } else { act = "Too low"; } $("#out_act2").val(act); } else { $("#out_act2").val(''); } }); }); // ]]> Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: Why Convert Between the SAT and ACT? ACT to SAT conversion can be extremely helpful for figuring out which test you're better at. It’s smartest to focus your efforts on just the SAT or ACT to maximize your score, rather than trying to score well on both tests. But if you take just one test, it’s useful to know how your score translates so you can better understand your performance as well as your chances of admission at various colleges. For example, by taking a practice test for both the SAT and ACT, you can figure out which test you're naturally better at. If you score dramatically higher on one test vs the other (say, the equivalent of 2 ACT points), you'll know to study for and take that test instead. If you're applying to college in the United States, you'll most likely need to take either the SAT or ACT. How can you decide which test to take? By using our SAT/ACT Decider Tool, of course! Learn which test you'll do best on and get a suggested testing schedule today. As we explore below, ACT-SAT conversion doesn't always line up exactly at schools. Understanding what converting is and why it is not always even at certain schools can help you maximize your admission chances. Finally, be aware that converting composite scores won't give you the most accurate data. As a result, always convert your section scores, too. SAT-ACT Conversion Tables The most accurate SAT-ACT concordance tables come directly from the makers of the SAT and ACT (the College Board and ACT, Inc., respectively). These are the only official conversion charts you can use to translate your ACT score into an SAT score (and vice versa). Table 1: SAT-ACT Conversion Table SAT ACT SAT ACT SAT ACT 1600 36 1250 26 900 16 1590 36 1240 26 890 16 1580 36 1230 26 880 16 1570 36 1220 25 870 15 1560 35 1210 25 860 15 1550 35 1200 25 850 15 1540 35 1190 24 840 15 1530 35 1180 24 830 15 1520 34 1170 24 820 14 1510 34 1160 24 810 14 1500 34 1150 23 800 14 1490 34 1140 23 790 14 1480 33 1130 23 780 14 1470 33 1120 22 770 13 1460 33 1110 22 760 13 1450 33 1100 22 750 13 1440 32 1090 21 740 13 1430 32 1080 21 730 13 1420 32 1070 21 720 12 1410 31 1060 21 710 12 1400 31 1050 20 700 12 1390 31 1040 20 690 12 1380 30 1030 20 680 11 1370 30 1020 19 670 11 1360 30 1010 19 660 11 1350 29 1000 19 650 11 1340 29 990 19 640 10 1330 29 980 18 630 10 1320 28 970 18 620 10 1310 28 960 18 610 9 1300 28 950 17 600 9 1290 27 940 17 590 9 1280 27 930 17 1270 27 920 17 1260 27 910 16 Source: The College Board Note that this conversion chart comes from the College Board only. ACT, Inc., has commented that this table has not yet been verified by them, and that the two organizations must collaborate to create a more accurate conversion table. In my opinion, this table is likely to be pretty close in accuracy, so it's OK to use it for planning purposes for now. Table 2: Old SAT-ACT Conversion Table For those of you who want to compare an ACT score with an old SAT score out of 2400, use the table below. Because the current version of the SAT has been in effect since 2016, most readers will want to use the conversion table above. In other words, only use the following table if you took the ACT or SAT before 2016 and want to know how your scores would have translated at the time you took the test. All estimates below are calculated using the above table and this SAT composite score conversion chart. ACT Composite Score Estimated SAT Composite Estimated SAT Composite Range 36 2390 2310-2390 35 2300 2220-2300 34 2210 2140-2210 33 2130 2070-2130 32 2060 2010-2060 31 2000 1960-2000 30 1950 1910-1950 29 1900 1860-1900 28 1850 1820-1850 27 1810 1730-1810 26 1720 1710-1720 25 1700 1660-1700 24 1650 1600-1650 23 1590 1550-1590 22 1540 1500-1540 21 1490 1440-1490 20 1430 1400-1430 19 1390 1340-1390 18 1330 1290-1330 17 1280 1230-1280 16 1220 1180-1220 15 1170 1100-1170 14 1090 1020-1090 13 1010 940-1010 12 930 880-930 11 870 840-870 10 830 810-830 9 800 780-800 Which is easier, the ACT or the SAT? Find out with our detailed, comprehensive guide to figuring out which test is better for you. Is There an â€Å"Easier† Test at Certain Schools? Now that we've learned about the SAT-ACT conversion tables made by the test makers themselves, you might think that if you look at admission statistics for various colleges, their SAT and ACT middle 50 percent ranges will match the official SAT-ACT conversions. Before we jump into this idea, though, what is the "middle 50 percent"? For a school, this phrase refers to the SAT/ACT score ranges for the middle 50 percent (or 25th to 75th percentile scores) of admitted students. For example, if a school has an ACT middle 50 percent range of 24 to 28, this means that 25% of admits had 24 or lower, 50% had between 24 and 28, and 25% had 28 or higher on the ACT. Schools report this data since it's a clear way to present the average test score ranges of admitted students. Reporting the full range of scores would be much less helpful as schools might have an admit or two with an extremely low test score, or a few admits with perfect scores. In other words, telling potential applicants that admitted students usually get ACT scores between 16 and 36 is not particularly helpful! So do these ranges for the ACT and SAT match up according to the conversions above? The truth is, at many colleges, the SAT and ACT middle 50 percent ranges don’t match up exactly. Thus, for some schools, you'd have to do slightly better on one test to be a competitive applicant. We'll go over a few example below. You can use this information as a guide when looking up the schools you're applying to. Notice as we go through these examples just how small the differences tend to be. We are not showing that you can game the system by taking the â€Å"easier† test for a certain school. As you'll see, the differences are quite small in most cases, but they can help you aim for the most competitive target score possible. NYU We'll start with a prominent East Coast school. NYU's middle 50 percent ranges are as follows: ACT: 29-33 SAT: 1290-1490 Using Table 1 to compare the scores, we see that ACT composite scores of 29-33 match up to SAT composite scores of 1350-1480. NYU’s actual SAT range is slightly lower than that, which means you'd need a comparatively higher ACT score to be within NYU’s 50 percent range. Princeton For a highly competitive East Coast example, let’s look at Princeton. This school has the following SAT and ACT middle 50 percent ranges: ACT: 31-35 SAT: 1430-1570 According to Table 1, these SAT scores match with an ACT score range of 32-36, which is very close to Princeton's actual ACT score range. At Princeton, then, there is not a slight ACT score advantage like there is at NYU. Penn State Here are Penn State’s middle 50 percent ranges: ACT: 28-32 SAT: 1250-1430 Table 1 shows that these ACT scores convert to an SAT range of 1300-1440. In this case, you'd need to score slightly lower on the ACT than you would on the SAT to be in Penn State's middle 50 percent. University of Washington Now for a West Coast example. Here are the the University of Washington’s score ranges: ACT: 27-32 SAT: 1190-1420 According to Table 1, UW's SAT range would match up with 24-32 ACT composite. However, its actual ACT range is slightly higher at 27-32. This means you could get a comparatively lower SAT score of 1190 and be within range at UW. But if you had the matching ACT score of 24, you'd be a little less competitive. University of Southern California Another West Coast example is USC. Here are USC's middle 50 percent ranges for the SAT and ACT: ACT: 30-34 SAT: 1300-1500 By converting these ACT scores into SAT scores using Table 1, we get an SAT score range of 1360-1520. As we suspected, this suggests that your ACT score needs to be a little higher than your SAT score does to be competitive at USC. How To Maximize Your Converted ACT/SAT Score So what can we take from all of this? There are definitely some slight but noticeable differences in certain colleges’ SAT and ACT middle 50 percent ranges compared with the expected conversions. However, there are plenty of exceptions as well. Here's the thing: even in schools that seem to go slightly easier on one test, the differences are nominal. This means that it doesn't make sense to base your testing strategy entirely on whether a school appears to go easier on ACT or SAT scores. Instead, it’s much smarter to focus on the test you can do better on to maximize your score. In our test cases above, ACT and SAT ranges did not deviate from expected values by more than 20 -60 SAT points or 1-2 ACT composite points. These are minor score differences you can easily overcome with smart studying, especially if you're taking the test better suited to your strengths. For example, say you're a better SAT taker, but you notice that some Ivy League schools go a bit easier on ACT scores. If you took the ACT and got a 30 when you were capable of scoring between 1450 and 1550 on the SAT, you'd decrease your chance of getting in. In the end, there is no substitute for smart studying. But it's still useful to look up the middle 50 percent test score ranges for your target schools. You can even use the conversion charts like we did to see if the school favors one test. Then, use this info to form your own target score. For example, if you’re applying to a school that goes a bit easier on the ACT, aim for an ACT score in the upper end of their middle 50 range to ensure that, even with ACT-SAT conversion, you are still well within their typical ranges. Remember, the bottom line in college admissions is to play up your strengths. Maximizing your ACT or SAT score is by far the best advantage you can give yourself on the standardized testing front! Nearly every college and university in the United States accepts both SAT and ACT scores. However, for some of these schools, there is a significant difference between the level of SAT scores and the level of ACT scores of admitted students. What schools accept students with comparatively lower SAT scores, and what schools accept students with comparatively lower ACT scores? We've gathered our proprietary research on this topic and analysis of what these score differences mean for your testing and application strategies into this ebook. What’s Next? Sure, we’ve argued that colleges don’t give a huge advantage to either the SAT or ACT, but is one test easier than the other? Find out whether the SAT or ACT is easier. Also, check out the 11 key differences between the two tests to help you decide which one to take. If you already know which test you're taking, use our SAT or ACT goal score guide to develop a target score based on the schools you're applying to. Curious about what it takes to get a perfect SAT or ACT score? Read our perfect SAT and ACT guides, written by our resident full scorer! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points, or your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve both your SAT and ACT scores dramatically.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Improving Organisational Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 3

Improving Organisational Performance - Essay Example While these practices are not exactly new, this area of management differs in its deliberate introduction of bundled practices to improve performance of the organisation gradually (Cappelli & Neumark, 2012: p31). Normally, organisations will align these practices with their strategic objectives, specifically by aligning workforce output and organisational performance. This paper aims to analyse high performance work practices in relation to two case studies: Data Connections and Pannone & Partners, which are computer software services and legal services firms. The two companies’ business strategies differ in that Pannone & Partners seeks balanced growth for competitive advantage, while Data Connections seeks to improve business performance through quality delivery and acquisition of world-class talent. Both companies will be analysed in relation to how they apply various strategies in their approach to high performance work performance. These strategies are integration of HPWP with other HR practices, commitment and reward, employee training and skills needs, and high employee involvement. Performance management refers to a process through which employees and managers work in tandem to monitor, plan, and review the employee’s overall contribution and work objectives and involves continuous setting of objectives, provision of on-going feedback and coaching, and assessment of progress to ensure that workers meet career goals and objectives (Ashdown, 2014: p41). One of the theories that underpin performance management is goal theory, which highlights three core mechanisms that link performance outcomes to goals. These goals direct attention to the organisation’s priorities, stimulate efforts, and challenge employees to user skills and knowledge to enhance their success. This theory specifically emphasises the review and feedback and agreement of objectives aspects of PM (Aguinis, 2011: p28). Control theory, on the other

Friday, October 18, 2019

Black and Dull Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Black and Dull - Essay Example Rather, Diouna, the black girl, was mistreated, abused. She had no family, relatives or friends to help her in her helpless situation. There was no one to comfort her but herself. Nevertheless, it is said that â€Å"no man is an island† and when isolation was the only thing there was to comfort her, Diouna showed that death is sweeter than life. The story is set in the 1960s when racial discrimination was still so strong. Although the number of characters is limited, they exemplified the majority of cases among the Black employees and White employers. Between Madame Pouchet and Diouna there was nothing that would tie them together but the relationship of employer-employee. Pouchet was not obligated to be good to her maid but she went the extra mile of being generous to her while they were still in Africa. However, the future eventually revealed her motives. She was not actually as generous and good as she showed in Africa. She discriminated her maid. Diouana never went out of the house but continually worked for the family and a visitor. There was no freedom, no day of rest but a pile of work to do and a bunch of demanding family members in exchange for a mere three thousand Francs a month. Madame Pouchet knows how difficult Diouana’s situation is because during their earlier vacations, she often had to do the household chores herself and take care of her own two children. Her former maids were not only paid higher salaries but they also demanded a day off and she often had to fire them. Yet she was not considerate about the Black girl’s needs. She knows that there is nothing Diouna could do once she is with them in another country. She proved to be harsh. Probably, Pouchet’s true colors can be said to have been revealed when they were in France as it is shown with her words to Diouna before she took her life saying, â€Å"But to find you telling lies, like a native, that I don’t like† (776). In reaction, the Black girl ’s lips trembled, probably showing extreme anger that led her to just end her life. For the other harassments she experienced in the Pouchet family, Diouana was simply described to have been exasperated but not angry. Yet the discriminatory comments of Madame Pouchet brought her to the peak of her impatience. In addition, the children became a burden not only because of the demand for her to work harder but because of the psychological abuse they have devised against Diouna. The oldest child called friends and led them into taunting her with a chant of â€Å"Black girl, Black girl. She’s as black as midnight† (773). She was, to the very sense of it, a slave. She was mocked but still did everything to their liking and was left with nothing but three thousand Francs. She was not just a cook, nursemaid, and chambermaid for the family but to the friends and extended family of the Pouchets as well as she was taken from villa to villa to serve family and friends. She was, in her own words, â€Å"Bought, bought. Sold, sold† (775). To make things worse, when they went to the commodore’s residence, â€Å"some silly people, who followed her about, hanging on her heels in the kitchen, had been there for dinner. Their presence was an oppressive shadow on her slightest movement. She had the feeling of not knowing how to do anything† (774). Since she was Black, a girl from an uncivilized nation, the people judged her as ignorant. Maybe she was, but not in manners they

Toledo - The City of Three Faiths Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Toledo - The City of Three Faiths - Essay Example E. Already, united Christian conquerors had launched the Reconquista in a bid to recapture Spain from Islamic rule. The twin threats of united Christian armies and rivalries between the smaller kingdoms eventually led to the demise of Islamic rule in Spain. The fall of the kingdom of Granada in the reign of Isabella and Ferdinand marked the official end of Islamic rule on the Iberian Peninsula. Between the Islamic conquest and expulsion from the Iberian Peninsula, a significant body of developments occurred throughout Spain in myriad fields. As commercial centers and centers of learning opened up their doors to all and sundry, the level of commercial advancement and research took on a new shape altogether. The developments in medieval Spain opened up the doors of Europe’s enlightenment and growth centuries later. The kingdom of Al-Andulas and the various kingdoms in its legacy gave rise to a number of cosmopolitans such as Seville, Cordoba, Toledo and Granada. All of these cit ies became centers of excellence in terms of economics, culture, science and religious tolerance. However, amongst these cities perhaps Toledo remained the most significant in terms of political and cultural development. Toledo first became a center of excellence under the Islamic regime of Al-Andulas after which King Alfonso VI conquered it in 1085 in his Reconquista bid. Unlike other regions where Christian takeovers incited bloodshed, violence and persecution, the takeover of Toledo was markedly different. Alonso placed no compulsion on the local Muslims and Jews to convert or immigrate to other lands. The real motives behind Alfonso’s actions have been questioned with some labeling them as altruism while others label them as commercial interests attached with the Muslims. Whatever the case, Alfonso allowed the Muslims to use the great mosque of Toledo and appointed a Christian governor (who spoke Arabic) to â€Å"oversee civil authority†. Muslim chronicles from the time indicate that Alfonso proclaimed himself as the King of two religions (Islam and Christianity as Jewish populations were too small). This declaration even by a king was revolutionary for the time as the Church considered all other religions as paganism alone. Alfonso’s recognition of Islam meant that he was ready for tolerance and peaceful coexistence. It must also be mentioned that Toledo served as an important commercial center on the important Spanish crossroads for trade and other commercial pursuits. Over the centuries Toledo’s centralized location as well as its commercially savvy population were able to transform the city into a massive commercial hub. The onset of commercial activities meant that Toledo had money to spare and that there were various cultural streams interacting with each other. Consequently, Toledo transformed into a vibrant commercial and cultural center. In contrast, the new rulers of cities such as Barbastro subjected their populations to inhumane and barbaric treatment that reduced these cities to dark ages. An-Andulas had managed to remove these cosmopolitan centers from abject poverty and backwardness, but the Reconquista managed to throw them back into poverty. This remained true for nearly all of the Iberian Peninsula except for Toledo. Toledo’s ruler Alfonso had captured the city in order to enhance his standing based on the city’s vibrant commercial and cultural activities. The Muslim population in the city was the very reason for its

Negotiation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Negotiation - Essay Example The negotiating team from the side of the management took a tough stance that the management cannot afford to extend this facility anymore. The union leaders were also not willing to forfeit this facility. If mutually acceptable solution was not found, the union leaders warned about the possibility of direct action, non-co-operation, work-to-rule, sit-in strikes, going on mass causal leave, and finally an indefinite strike. This situation was comparable to the one envisaged by William L. Ury in his book â€Å"Getting Past No† and he writes, â€Å"Your goal may be to reach mutually satisfactory agreement, but you may find the other side not at all interested.† (9) All reasoning failed, all efforts for dispute resolutions came to a naught, and the management team used all the techniques related to fundamentals of negotiations. Even after three hours of marathon discussions, nothing tangible was achieved by both the sides. The management team appealed for the reasoned co-operation by the employees, as no institution can run with losses on an ongoing basis. Who will suffer if the organization declares lockout? The chances of getting alternative employment are dim in the foreseeable future. At this juncture the meeting was adjourned for the day as both sides wished to consult their respective teams. The union leaders made one point clear. Under no circumstances they will agree for abolishing the existing facility totally. Both the sides must have pondered over the issues seriously.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Concept of Managing Organizations Strategically Research Paper

The Concept of Managing Organizations Strategically - Research Paper Example Strategic management is a stream of decisions and actions, which lead to the development of an effective strategy or strategies to help achieve corporate objectives. Strategic management is concerned with deciding on the strategy and how the strategy is to be put into effect. Strategic management allows an enterprise or an organization to base its decision on long-range forecasts. It also allows the firms to take action at an early stage of a new trend and consider the lead-time for effective management. A sound strategic management process helps to ensure that all organizational parts are working towards the same objective and purpose. Strategic management will never be a cure-all especially for incompetent management; it can go a long way in improving an organization's long-term performance. Now looking at the importance of strategic management and its relevance in the present circumstances, the subject strategic management itself is in the midst of an evolutionary process. In the course of its development, several strands of thinking are emerging which are gradually leading to a convergence of views. We now have a wealth of insights into the complexities of strategic behaviour- the observable characteristics of the manner in which an organization performs decision-making and planning functions with regard to the issues that are of strategic importance to its survival, growth and profitability. Several persons, among whom are the doyens in the field of strategy, have contributed to the formulation of these perspectives.

Preliminary Investigations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Preliminary Investigations - Assignment Example His arrest however, provides a good platform in assessing the preliminary protocols in the U.S criminal justice system. The first consideration relates to the facts behind Johnson’s arrest that according to the charges that the ABC officers relied on. The incident leading to the arrest of Johnson started when he was denied entry into a bar the day that marked St. Patrick’s celebrations (Yarn and Ford,  2015). Johnson, currently aged twenty years falls under the U.’S legal drinking age of twenty one years that is equally upheld in the state of Virginia. The National Minim Drinking Age Act of 1984 sets the drinking standards within the U.S as for individuals above the age of twenty-one years through either public possession or purchase. The allegations against Johnson indicate that during his time of arrest, he was intoxicated and equally resisted arrest. The arrest of Johnson falls under two counts, first, he contravenes the 1984 Act of minimum age drinking and secondly, he obstructs justice. The second aspect under consideration relates to the actions taken by the investigating officers where Johnson was taken to custody for further questioning and assessment as to his level of intoxication (Yarn and Ford,  2015). Further actions relates to inquiring information from both the offender and the bar operators where the incident begun once Johnson was held back. From the information provided, those who turned Johnson back argue on the basis of his age while Johnson through his attorney present a different story. After the investigations, the requirement of every suspect is to adhere to the next step in the criminal justice system. Failure of sufficient evidence linking the suspect with the crimes may cause a stop to the case. Consequently, the suspect may be detained where he fails to adhere to the requirements of the criminal justice

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Concept of Managing Organizations Strategically Research Paper

The Concept of Managing Organizations Strategically - Research Paper Example Strategic management is a stream of decisions and actions, which lead to the development of an effective strategy or strategies to help achieve corporate objectives. Strategic management is concerned with deciding on the strategy and how the strategy is to be put into effect. Strategic management allows an enterprise or an organization to base its decision on long-range forecasts. It also allows the firms to take action at an early stage of a new trend and consider the lead-time for effective management. A sound strategic management process helps to ensure that all organizational parts are working towards the same objective and purpose. Strategic management will never be a cure-all especially for incompetent management; it can go a long way in improving an organization's long-term performance. Now looking at the importance of strategic management and its relevance in the present circumstances, the subject strategic management itself is in the midst of an evolutionary process. In the course of its development, several strands of thinking are emerging which are gradually leading to a convergence of views. We now have a wealth of insights into the complexities of strategic behaviour- the observable characteristics of the manner in which an organization performs decision-making and planning functions with regard to the issues that are of strategic importance to its survival, growth and profitability. Several persons, among whom are the doyens in the field of strategy, have contributed to the formulation of these perspectives.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

American Historical Association Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

American Historical Association - Essay Example The diversity of people makes them want to study history, as it would help them understand certain predicaments. History is mainly important to those individuals who want to find out the meaning of being humans. People who dwell on the history of the origin of human become more self-aware as, through it, individuals learn about the actions of individuals in the past. It is through the study of colonization that a person is able to understand completely what the European nations were doing in Africa (Velasquez, 2014). Events such as the Holocaust or Hiroshima bombing teaches a historian about the dangerous side of humans. It is vital for an individual who wants to develop the art of critical thinking to study history. This is cultivated by the detailed information and explanations provided in history. Individuals who found themselves in foreign places ought to study history to help them answers any questions that they may have. Some of the questions that they may have are the difference in color or accent (Velasquez, 2014). People in countries with different cultures would turn to history to help them understand the difference in the two cultural practices.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Caroll is a subsidiary

Caroll is a subsidiary Introduction Caroll is a subsidiary of the Vivarte group since 1988. This brand is one of the ready-to-wear sectors successes, which has been known and appreciated by many women for over 40 years. Caroll is particularly renowned for the quality of its products. With over 350 stores, about 100 of which are abroad Caroll is a brand that is ever growing both in France and internationally. Carolls culture is based on a shared brand vision:  § Strong product identity,  § A high degree of adaptability,  § An innovative brand/distributor concept. The companys niche was knitwear only. The 1970s were boom years! In the 1980s, Caroll began to evolve†¦In 1980, it added a ready-to-wear collection and its first franchise shops in France. In 1984, Caroll opened its first branch shops. Four years later, Caroll International was listed on the stock exchange and the Andrà © group, which was to become Vivarte in 2001, purchased a large share in the company. The 1990s were revolutionary! In 1994, Caroll International defined a new positioning for itself, creating the â€Å"Caroll Paris† brand and introducing new strategies with a view to becoming a key player in the world of fashion, for a targeted yet sizeable female clientele, well informed and with high standards. In just a few years, Caroll International succeeded in completely changing its image and significantly increased its market share. After having transformed its network in France, Caroll International began to expand in other countries in 1997. Since 2000, Caroll has strengthened its image by taking on a huge challenge: the application of luxury codes to distribution. With a wealth of experience in its sector, the Brand is now particularly appreciated for the quality of its products, its expertise and its style. Part One: Marketing Audit A. Corporate Level 1. The company mission Caroll has its styling bureau in Paris. This bureau detects trends and creates collections it able to react quickly and design new products. Caroll missions are to design fashion clothes women, staying at the top of the fashion each seasons. The second mission is to sell this clothes and accessories by franchising new shops all around the world. 2. Company objectives goals In order to faced with constantly evolving fashion, Caroll has chosen to continuously renew itself and launch new models, new colours throughout the season. The goal is to keep up with the latest looks. Caroll has to answer to the women wants. So, clothes are perfectly cut, the choice materials are an important part of its renewed. Caroll doesnt offers only clothes fashion, it also sells accessories: scarves, jewellery, belts, bags, shoes, etc. B. Marketing Mix: 4 Ps  § Product: Caroll has a large range of products. All the products are based on three same styles that are based on the â€Å"details finishing† and the â€Å"high quality material† used. The silhouettes are really important: o 3 trends o 3 styles o 3 lines All the products shapes are well defined and cut in chosen materials, which offers a very elegant to order outfits. Caroll collection:  § Blouses  § Coats  § Dresses  § Jackets  § Pants  § Skirts  § Sweaters The Accessoires:  § Bags  § Jewels  § Stole Carolls activity is based on stitch and the brand has successfully diversified its product thanks to chain and weft. Its a great benefit for the brand because it allows to sell more products. In other words a customer comes into a shop with the idea to find a coat. But when the customer comes out the shop sure he buys a coat but he already leaves the shop with several accessories. Caroll knows how work with noble material like silk or Kashmir. Colours are also important because the brand has created specific range of colours. More than that with an international implantation the firm has to be aware of the cultural importance accorded to colours and she is. Caroll answers every women need or desire â€Å"clothes† â€Å"accessories†. The range of product is large and diversified: this is a good way to attract more and more customers and to enlarge at the maximum the profile of customers. But the range can be â€Å"City†, â€Å"Sportswear† or â€Å"Diva† it is always quite classical and modern. So every woman customers who belong to the middle class who like fashion and style can be seduce by Carolls products.  § Price: Caroll launches large range of price in order to attract every woman with a middle purchasing power. In that way the price is adapted to the purchasing power of customers. The price is totally in correlation with the target customers. Caroll is offering a good quality-price ratio. Place At the beginning, Caroll sold its products in retail shops. They start to open Caroll franchises in 1980. The decoration is simple but stylish to give an atmosphere of elegance. The stores are whites, black and grey. Those three colours are the symbol of sophistication and chic. In France, you can find the Caroll store in â€Å"chic† places; for example you will find a store in Paris Rue Vaugirard which is a street know for it chic stores. Places have to be on the same line that style of the stores. In France, Caroll possesses 70 stores which makes France the first place implantation (in terms of numbers of stores). The second one is Spain. The brand is also represented in Japan, Lebanon, Portugal, Martinique, Reunion Island, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia We can say that Caroll is already internationally well developed, with shops in many countries and in the most European Capital! Promotion Caroll communicates through well-know press magazine like  « Biba  »,  « Glamour  »,  « Mme Figaro  »,  « Marie-Claire  »,  « Gala  »,  « Elle, Marie-France  ». Those are French magazine for woman readers aged between 25 and 35 years old. That shows that Caroll targeted a special group of woman. The SWOT Analysis underline that Caroll has a strong experience in international market. One of the main opportunities for Caroll is that this brand profit from the Glamour image of Paris. Despite the international crisis the growth rate in developing country is stile positive (the Chinese growth rate objective for 2009 is 8%). So it exist strong opportunities for an implantation of the brand in developing country and especially in China. For instance the Chinese middle class is not able to buy the Caroll s clothes but more than 10% of Chinese have a purchasing power equal of European countries. So it represents at least more than 100 millions people. And in a close future it will touch much more. Caroll has to develop a strong communication with a good marketing strategy. But the Chinese market has its own cultural specificity and the company Caroll has to be conscious of that. D. Market Positioning E. Boston Matrix If we take a look at the three Carolls division, Clothes, Accessories, and customized Services, we can see that the first department generates the cash that is used to pay the several costs of the company, the salaries, taxes, supplier, etc. It means that the cash created is used for â€Å"the daily work† (or short term). The growth rate of Caroll is almost the same as the sector level. Accessories and bags also generate cash and have a higher growth rate than the clothes sector. The level of cash generated is lower but those products are the best growth of the brand. The return on investment is high for the stars and for the cash cow products. But actually the customized service does not have a lot of market share and the activity is decreasing. The Question Mark, it linked with the special materials that they are using. For example the silk which is used for a specific range of clothes. But this specific range is a trend and the special materials are not gone be used next season (or trend). Thats why they have to be aware of new trends and anticipate them in order to adapt materials to the future trends. Part Two: External Audit A. Chinese Colours Analysis The I-Ching regards black as Heavens colour. White represented gold and symbolized brightness, purity, and fulfilment. White also is the colour of mourning. The Chinese people, both ancient and modern, cherish the colour red. Red is everywhere during Chinese New Year and other holidays and family gatherings for it symbolizes good fortune and joy. Blue-green indicates spring when everything overflows with vigour and vitality. Yellow symbolizes the earth. The old saying, Yellow generates Yin and Yang, meant that yellow is the center of everything. Colour embodies an even richer culture in Chinese folk traditions. Yellow is the colour for emperors. Yellow often decorates royal palaces, altars and temples. So Carolls main problem is the colour that they are used normally for the brand. And black and white clothes are not a good colour code for Chinese implementation. To conclude Caroll has tow choices. They can adapt colours clothes to Chinese taste or it can count on the western countries fashion influence. Another option is to use both colours style. Of course this colour positioning will be the most expensive strategic choice. Thats why Caroll has to really take into account the cultural differences! Maybe hire local employee in order to create the most adapted range of product is the best option that they have to minimize risk of mistakes. B. Chinese Population evolution 2006 The age pyramid in 2006 shows that people between 25 and 49 years old represent the most important part of the Chinese population. It is exactly the target that Caroll has. C. Chinese Key figures One person on five of the planet is a Chinese. China counts more than 20 metropolises of more than 5 millions inhabitants. With 752 millions active Chinese, China is a reservoir of inexhaustible manpower. The current income per inhabitant is 1090 dollars (100th world rank) but increases very fast. 300 000 Chinese have a heritage exceeding 1 million dollars. China: 651 TV channel and 1000 radio stations. It is the 2nd market behind the United States. D. Carolls Target Caroll has an advantage it is a French brand. French brands are known as good taste in term of fashion. Chinese women like the â€Å"French Touch† so a French brand has a crucial advantage in comparison with non-French competitors. French clothes in Chinese women mind means: fashion, good quality. Actually, in China the middle class represents 80 millions persons. But in 2010 the Chinese middle class will represents more than 200 millions people! A huge and wide market in constant growth is opening for Caroll. According to the national office of Chinas government statistics the income of the Chinese population doubled between the year 2002 and 2006, evolving from 1.100 dollars to 2.010 dollars. More precisely Caroll segment is composed by active woman. These women have between 25 and 40 years old. They are described as active woman working in megalopolis cities. F. Porters Five Forces   Threats of new Entrants: Threats for Caroll to be faced with new competitors are high. As every one knows China is gone be the first world economy. More than that we have to bear in mind that one person on six of the world population is Chinese. In that way China is a new market opportunity and Carolls company is not in a situation of monopole. New inteznatà »Ãƒ ¿nao entranus hmve clso the0wil|ingness to takea syt in th} Chonese market. Move dungerous its the apparitionand$devmlopment,of à ½ocal fià ¶m!  ­But$Caro}~owinnovmotioon{liwuesringosladvcntages wo fight#new0gntsant'{ukh as: †¢+Absoluto cost aovantage†¢ Qrop{ietiv}p{owwwu~ve— Acessto }otwus†¢ Governmeà ¾v policy†¢ economie{ ofscale †¢!Capktal,reqy{emn}OÃâ€"Branà ¤$identià ´{  ­Bargainyno sowev of#Suppliess: If?Caroll necives wocwrk tive{tywwitx {hingsw wu|poiur{ yn5ordgr,for e}amp|ebto reduce the costs of transportation, the branf willbm gboe to reduce the products price in order to be equal to$the price market. Indeed working with the local supplier pezmkts o.rudco many costs and most of all to satisfy at best thu gustomers needs. There are a lot of potential Chinese supplie~s, so Carlo will be in a strong bargaining power compare to suwpoiwrw.$ oBwyerlPowerz The Carolls target is, at the launching ofthe%braodbin China, working women with a high purchesing power.pB}t-rap{dmy`witl uhg mconomic g~owth of China, more and more women would be able to buy Caroll clothes. So rapidly what was a niche market for Caroll will began a mass market. Threat of substitutes products: Clothes dont have threat to see enter substitutes products. Everybody needs clothes. But there is an important phenomenon that is counterfeiting. Chinese have a strong knowledge on counterfeiting. Chinese industry is known to copy everything especially clothes, shoes and accessories. The main risk for Caroll is to see its product ranged copied and sold at a very low price. Caroll rivalry among firms: In China Carolls main competitor is Alain Manoukian who is well established. Other fashion houses are also present. Caroll might find it hard at first, it will have to convince the Chinese customer of the quality of the product and also underline the French aspect of the range since the Chinese is very fond of French fashion. Part Three: Caroll Strategic Marketing Plan A. Product Caroll has to base his marketing product on developing special colours for Chinese woman. Caroll style is based on elegance and simplicity and the new products have to have the French Touch in order to seduce Chinese woman. They have to do marketing research on the customs, traditions and religion of Chinese people in order to avoid intercultural problems and sales decrease. The most positive colour is red so Caroll should develop a red range of clothes. Despite the superstition, black is getting more and more popular thanks to the western influence. The white colours should also be avoided in order to stay away issues on sales. The environment analysis shows us that Caroll should also take care of the climate that changes from one region to another. B. Price Caroll has to adapt its products prices according to the target. So to begin the brand should keep a high price to attract women with a high purchasing power. But rapidly (Less than 10 years) Caroll could get more customers thanks to China growth. This country will get more women with middle class purchasing power. So in order to catch this new population, Caroll could decrease a little the range price. C. Place / Distribution How to choose the opening of Caroll stores? One answer is based on the repartition of the population according to the purchasing power. A map of the different density can help Caroll to decide where to implement their store. China has an important density in the big cities like shanghai, Beijing, Canton, Hong- Kong, Schuan, Henan and Shenzhen. The east coast of China is the must interested part of china because the middle class population is there concentred. In the close future, the middle-class population will migrate to the big metropolis cities and a new class will appear. This target is the key success of the next five years. In the rest of China the population is very scattered. Opening stores there will be a waste of time and money. People are poor and are not very concerned by fashion. In China the most famous distributor place is mall, which is an American influence. As a result, Caroll should open its store in this mall in the biggest cities of the East cost. These malls create a fashion image and Caroll positioning will be higher. The target chosen is the common customer in those shopping centres. A French brand in this shopping place is certain to find the clients. It is a trendy place where the French touch will be appreciated. Chinese customers will be curious about a new brand of quality. Maybe Caroll could create a partnership with Carrefour (a French hypermarket group). The idea is quite simple, open stores in these hypermarket areas (not all off them of course). Hypermarket attracts people and Carrefour is actually well implanted in China. But these establishments could be harmful for the â€Å"Chic† image of Caroll†¦ Stores As we know Caroll stores decoration is white and grey. We saw that those colours are negative in the Chinese customers minds. The best colours could be red and black, we also saw that black is getting used and the negative impression decreased. Logistic organisation The production centre has to be in a city very accessible by airport or boat. The city has to be in the middle of the east cost in a city like Shanghais. The goods redistribution will be easier and also reduce costs. A study has to be made considering the local rent, the transportation plan, and the place of the different store. D. Promotion / Advertising In France, Caroll only uses magazine. In China, the company has to advertise a lot more because the brand is not very known. At first I think that the objective is to be known! The brand should use television ad, and continue the press magazine. Woman from Chinese middle class love read press magazine. The first store opening has to be a big event as Louis Vuitton, Caroll should organize a big private sales and a big party to promote the brand. To be well known in China, the TV campaign has to be strong at the launch of the brand. Caroll can also communicate trough billboard and trough Internet. Today feminine web sites are very developed and advertising in those sites is a good way to touch a lot of potential customers. The campaign has to be class by showing a group of modern workingwoman wearing Caroll outfits. The group will be composed on European and Chinese woman working together and having fun together. The ad message is that everywhere in the world, at work, or during the night, all nationality girls can were Caroll and be class during all day long. The ad will be in Chinese with French subtitles for example. Conclusion Even if the potential target is now small (a niche), we can forecast that in ten years, the middle class will have a purchase power multiplied by ten. So, it seems profitable to target this audience right now in order to be an established brand in couple of years. Especially in this case the marketing function is a determinant point of the long term strategy for Caroll. The company will also have to be cautious concerning the market environment and not enter it without studying the culture closer, the political environment†¦ The brand will have to adapt its products if it wants to answer the customers needs. Not only will it have to adapt its products, but it will also have to invest in advertising. Communicating the brand through specialized magazine will not be enough to gain notoriety, bill boarding, posters in bus stops and in subways, would be the best way to introduce the brand. This major advertising campaign should take place before Caroll opens its first shop. Endorsement will also be very important to implant the brand rapidly. There is no reason that Caroll should not succeed in the Chinese middle class market, because its competitor Alain Manoukian is well-established! à ° Caroll does a good marketing strategic choice to launch its brand in China and if the marketing mix is well respected, Caroll will have good opportunities to be present in Asia the future biggest continent in term of economy. Bibliography

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis of Martin Luther Kings I Have A Dream Speech

In a period of time where few were willing to listen, Martin Luther King, Jr. stood proudly, gathered and held the attention of over 200,000 people. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech was very effective and motivational for African Americans in 1963. Many factors affected Kings’ speech in a very positive manner; the great emotion behind the words, delivering the speech on the steps of the memorial of the President who defeated slavery. And not only was this message beautifully written for the hope of African Americans, but the underlying message for white people, revolution and peace. To stimulate emotion from both parties of his listeners, King used a selection of rhetorical devices such as allusions to historical documents, metaphors, similes, anaphoras and others. Martin Luther King’s use of allusions to historical documents helps his message of equality hit home for his audience. Most of the allusions were geared more towards the white people that it was towards the blacks because it provided printed evidence from past documents that were written by white males. His first, â€Å"Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation† is an allusion to Abraham Lincoln and the Gettysburg Address. His first reference to the Declaration of Independence: â€Å"This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men would be guaranteed the ‘unalienable rights’ of ‘Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness’.† Another quote King uses from the Declaration of Independence is not quite as publicized, King incidentally slips in, â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.† King also mak es a few allusions to the Bible; â€Å"... ... would be treated as equals and walk hand-in-hand with every one of every color. Martin Luther King, Jr. implies that his dream is none other than the dream of the Founding Fathers which he makes reference to several times during his speech. And ending with another powerful anaphora, â€Å"let freedom ring† King look joyfully towards the day where â€Å"all God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentile, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing† because he knows this is movement is greater than just for those of color. By expressing his emotions on the subject of racism, Kings persuasive speech influenced and impacted America, for the better in the early 1960’s. With his many uses of different rhetorical devices such as allusions, metaphors and smiles, and anaphoras Kings speech truly changed the minds of hundreds of thousands of people. Rhetorical Analysis of Martin Luther King's I Have A Dream Speech In a period of time where few were willing to listen, Martin Luther King, Jr. stood proudly, gathered and held the attention of over 200,000 people. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech was very effective and motivational for African Americans in 1963. Many factors affected Kings’ speech in a very positive manner; the great emotion behind the words, delivering the speech on the steps of the memorial of the President who defeated slavery. And not only was this message beautifully written for the hope of African Americans, but the underlying message for white people, revolution and peace. To stimulate emotion from both parties of his listeners, King used a selection of rhetorical devices such as allusions to historical documents, metaphors, similes, anaphoras and others. Martin Luther King’s use of allusions to historical documents helps his message of equality hit home for his audience. Most of the allusions were geared more towards the white people that it was towards the blacks because it provided printed evidence from past documents that were written by white males. His first, â€Å"Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation† is an allusion to Abraham Lincoln and the Gettysburg Address. His first reference to the Declaration of Independence: â€Å"This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men would be guaranteed the ‘unalienable rights’ of ‘Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness’.† Another quote King uses from the Declaration of Independence is not quite as publicized, King incidentally slips in, â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.† King also mak es a few allusions to the Bible; â€Å"... ... would be treated as equals and walk hand-in-hand with every one of every color. Martin Luther King, Jr. implies that his dream is none other than the dream of the Founding Fathers which he makes reference to several times during his speech. And ending with another powerful anaphora, â€Å"let freedom ring† King look joyfully towards the day where â€Å"all God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentile, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing† because he knows this is movement is greater than just for those of color. By expressing his emotions on the subject of racism, Kings persuasive speech influenced and impacted America, for the better in the early 1960’s. With his many uses of different rhetorical devices such as allusions, metaphors and smiles, and anaphoras Kings speech truly changed the minds of hundreds of thousands of people.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Creatine :: essays research papers

CREATINE Athletes will put many different types of supplements and drugs to increase their physical strength. These supplements range from protein shakes to steroids. Some sports supplements are incredibly safe and effective, while others still work well but do more damage than good in the long run. In the past athletes had to turn to such things as anabolic steroids or blood doping (the process of taking out blood and adding oxygen to it and putting it back into their body in order to increase their endurance). But they are illegal. Many supplements are as simple as packaged energy and others require a strict exercise and eating regimen. I will explore creatine and it's effect on the sport world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Creatine was first introduced to the US in 1993 by a supplement company called Experimental and Applied Sciences. Since then it has become one of the most demanded items on the market. The creatine that is bought in stores duplicates the natural creatine that is produced by the kidney, liver, and pancreas. Creatine Monohydrate has been proven to significantly enhance athletic performance in the areas of power, strength, and muscle mass. Most importantly though, it doesn't seem to have any serious side effects. Also, since Creatine is found naturally in the body and in foods, it is likely that it will not be removed from sports.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Creatine is a nutrient that is found in many foods. It is most highly concentrated in lean red meat. A half-pound of red meat contains about two grams of Creatine. Every human body also produces Creatine in very small amounts, though some people produce more than others. Creatine is necessary for proper cell functions and cell reproduction, it is also a primary storage for energy in muscles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Creatine works when somebody is exercising, his or her muscles demand energy. The energy that the muscle gets is called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). As the muscles keep contracting, the ATP is turned into adenosine diphosphate (ADP). ADP causes your muscles to fatigue. Creatine Phosphate helps to convert ADP into ATP when the ATP is gone. In doing this, the athlete has better endurance during his of her workout or event.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If all this were true, it would be easy to see why athletes are turning to Creatine for an edge on their competition. But are these claims real? Is their scientific proof of what Creatine does?

Friday, October 11, 2019

Marxist Theory on Crime and Punishment Essay

Marxist Theory and Crime and Punishment Throughout human history countless philosophers have risen with what they thought to be the best form of government for society as a whole. Karl Marx may be the most influential philosopher in Russian history. According to The Free Dictionary, Marxism is the concept that â€Å"class struggle plays a central role in understanding society’s allegedly inevitable development from bourgeois oppression under capitalism to a socialist and ultimately classless society†. With this theory, Marx had a great impact on Russian literatureÍ ¾ specifically, Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment. According the the Marxist theory, one would interpret Crime and Punishment as a perfect example to the rise of communism. This novel embodies the Marxist theory because it is a proclamation of a proletariat, being that Raskolnikov is out of place in society, struggling from a paralyzing poverty and has a craving for fighting for the common goo d among a society of unjust people. According to the Marxist theory, deviance is an understandable response to poverty. Throughout the novel, there are many instances where Raskolnikov, along with other characters in the novel, suffer from poverty and in return take drastic measures. For instance, Sonya Marmeladov, a good ­willed, religious beauty, turned to prostitution in order to help her family stay afloat. Even laying down, â€Å"thirty rubles on the table†, could stop the children from crying from starvation, and keep a roof over their heads a little longer (1.2.20). Furthermore, poverty becomes a part of Raskolnikov

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Strategic Legal and Social Issues

The Board of Directors of a corporation are vested with the authority to exercise corporate powers, conduct all business and control and hold all properties of the corporation. The supreme authority insofar as the management of the business regular and ordinary affairs of the corporation is vested with the Board of Directors. With great power however comes great responsibility. Directors act as fiduciaries to the corporation, and once elected they must serve the best interests of the corporation and the shareholders. This fiduciary duty arises out of the board’s fiduciary relationship with the corporation and shareholders. (Saboor H. Abduljaami p2) The following are the three-fold duties of a director: duty of obedience; duty of diligence and duty of loyalty. Duty of Obedience The duty of obedience mandates that every director of the corporation must do and perform only those acts designed to achieve its mission. The mission and goals of the corporation are indicated in the articles of incorporation. Thus, the director must constantly check whether his action is within the scope of his authority and in pursuance of the goals of the company as indicated in its articles of incorporation. (â€Å"Role Playing: When do Board Members Step Over the Line†p2) Further, obedience does not only mean compliance with the rules of the corporation but it also means informing the corporation of any act done in violation of the rules of the corporation. This means that every director is mandated to refrain from violating the internal rules of the corporation. As directors they are also required to inform the corporation of any wrongdoing committed by one director that seriously prejudices the interest of the corporation. Thus, a director who willfully and knowingly votes or assents to patently unlawful acts of another director renders him jointly and severally liable for any damage resulting to the corporation. Duty of Diligence The rule is that every director of the corporation is required to manage the corporate affairs and perform his functions with reasonable care and prudence. As an officer of the corporation, the responsibility of the director towards the corporation is not limited to willful breach of trust or excess of power but extends to negligence. This means that even if there was no unlawful intent or evil motive in performing a corporate act, he can still be held liable if it can be established that he acted negligently. This liability of a director for his negligent acts rests upon common law rule which renders the agent liable who violates his authority or neglects his duty to the damage of the principal. It must be stressed however that the degree of diligence required of a director is relative. The standard of diligence is that which an ordinary prudent director could reasonable be expected to exercise in a like position under similar circumstances. The directors are also bound to observe the limits placed upon their powers in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation or charter, and if they transcend such limit and cause such damage, they incur liability. (Ruben Ladia, p. 164) Thus, if a director willfully performs an act which he knows or ought to know to be unauthorized and beyond the scope of his authority, he is clearly liable for any injury. It is however essential to state that though directors are liable for their negligence which has caused serious prejudice to the corporation, they are not liable for losses due to the imprudence or honest error of judgment. This is the concept of business judgment rule which is a defense on the part of the director to escape any liability for his actions. In principle, this states that questions of policy and management are left solely to the honest decision of the board of directors and the courts are without authority to substitute its judgment as against the director. It is said that â€Å"business judgment rule is purely a case law derived concept whereby a court will not review the management decisions of a corporation’s board of directors absent some sort of showing that the board of directors violated their duty of care or loyalty. † (Jon Canfield 1) It must be stressed that directors are not insurers of the property of the corporation or guarantors of the success of the corporation. So long as the director exercised reasonable diligence in the performance of its function the courts will not interfere and render it liable for negligence. Duty of Loyalty It is a general knowledge that there exists a fiduciary relationship between the directors of the corporation and the corporation and its stockholders. As fiduciaries, they are expected to act with utmost candor and fair dealing for the interest of the corporation and without taint of selfish motives. Thus, the directors are not only required to act with reasonable diligence in managing the affairs of the corporation, they are also expected to act with utmost good faith. Thus, the directors of the corporation are expected to first serve the interest of the corporation and their interest later. They are enjoined not to manipulate the affairs of the corporation to the detriment and disregard of the standards of morality and decency. As corporate insiders, the director cannot utilize any inside information they have acquired for their own benefit. He cannot violate the requirements of fair play by doing indirectly what he cannot do directly. Further as directors of the corporation they are not allowed to obtain any personal profit, commissions, bonus or gain for their official actions. Lastly, a director is prohibited from seizing any business opportunity or developing it at the expense and with the facilities of the corporation. Thus, the duty of loyalty requires a fiduciary to act in the best interests of the corporation and in good faith. (Jiangyu Zhu 2) Thus, as corporate officers an undivided loyalty is expected of every director. This fiduciary relationship between the director and the corporation imposes a strict duty to act in accordance with the highest standard which a man of the finest honor and reputation might impose upon himself. It must be stressed that the duty to act with utmost good faith is imposed upon all the directors. The law imposes upon the director liability for violating this duty of loyalty regardless whether the director actually received profit from his undisclosed transaction. This was affirmed in the case of Item Software v. Fassihi. Case of Item Software v. Fassihi. Facts: Item Software entered into transaction with another company. Item Software has a managing director and a marketing director. It specifically provided in its contract with the marketing director that it cannot take advantage of any confidential information it has learned while employed with Item Software. It appears that while Item Software and the other company were engaged in negotiations, its marketing director had been visiting the other company informing it of his intention to form a new company and his intent to transact directly with the other company. The contract between the two companies did not materialize. Item Software later found out about the actuations of its marketing director. He was eventually summarily dismissed from employment and sued by his own company. Issue: whether the respondent should be held liable by the corporation for its act of disloyalty even if it did not profit from its misconduct. Held: It is immaterial whether the director profited from his misconduct. The sole factor to be determined here is that the director committed a breach of its duty when it failed to disclose its transactions with the other company. The duties of a director imposed by law are generally higher than those imposed on an employee because he is more than simply a general manager of the company, he is a fiduciary who, with his fellow directors, is responsible for the success of the company’s business. Section 317 of the Companies Act of 1985 states that: â€Å"it is the duty of the director of a company, who is in any way, whether directly or indirectly, interested in a contract or proposed contract with the company to declare the nature of his interest at a meeting of the directors of the company. † (Section 317 Companies Act of 1985) Thus, the marketing director was in breach of his duties both as an employee and as a director and the Item Software was entitled to recover from him damages for breach of that duty suffered as a result of the termination of the contract. Â